Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Picture paints a thousand words

I have just been browsing some of the graphics I have used in my blog. Sadly, I do not have a reference as to where they originated and their validity!
Never mind!!
When I first started on this proposal, I was based in Malaysia, among other things I was tasked with coming up with a training plan. This plan was supposed to be commercially viable.
In practice if we ran a Catia course with 15 students for a week, we broke even.
So running physical classes would be OK. Potentially we could run courses and cover costs.
However, if we were to be unique and run our courses at a working circuit, and combine it with online training we could potentially be profitable... Not a concept that is normally associated with Lotus.
I received no tangible support. It was 2000 I suppose and people were not sure if this would work.
Phoenix University in America now serves about 1/2 million online students in America.
Today mobile online devices are everywhere. People all over the globe have access to what I am now writing...

Universities all over the globe use online learning. Some are government owned, others are private.
Most students can get loans to pay the University fees. Governments encourage their citizens to learn useful skills.


So in my opinion combining 'Unique' campuses with top notch hardware and sharing the knowledge online globally could result in one million online students, using Phoenix University as a bench mark.

How many students do you need to break even? Not known.

Phoenix made over ten percent profit on revenue for 1/2 million students.

This is only servicing the USA. My plan would be global. This would not only have the potential to be a viable business, it would also give our partners, backers and hardware suppliers global exposure.

Makes sense to me!

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